Individual Assessment & Group Learning
Tools for Trauma
Need a roadmap to reduce trauma's impact on your life?
Fill your toolbox with a wide range of practical tools and strategies aimed at understanding and managing the challenges following trauma throughout the lifespan and childhood emotional neglect.
Psychiatric Consultation • Trauma Education and Skills Group • Mental Health 201
free for bc residents!
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Trauma frequently affects mental health
Trauma comes in many forms. Violence. Abuse. Neglect. Gaslighting. Illness and its treatments. After effects can look like full-blown post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or take much subtler forms.
Not all mental illness is related to trauma. But trauma can be a factor. And trauma can impair the ability to benefit from treatments commonly used for other mental illnesses.
Patients with a history of trauma are often given multiple diagnoses—depression, anxiety, panic, borderline personality—and then labelled treatment-refractory when they don't improve. The trauma component of their illness has been ignored.

Tools for Trauma
A comprehensive program combining individual assessment and group learning
Individual Psychiatric Consultation
A comprehensive, one-time visit up front to assess your overall mental health (including but not limited to trauma), provide treatment recommendations to you and your primary care provider, and discuss whether you'd benefit from attending the group. An optional post-group followup visit to discuss your next steps is available.
Trauma Education and Skills Group
Ten weekly two-hour sessions via Zoom to discover how trauma impacts you and introduce you to a variety of practical tools and strategies to help manage it. You WILL NOT share personal details or accounts of your traumas in group. You do need to actively participate in discussions, ask questions, and practice applying tools.
Mental Health 201
(Optional) A four-week Zoom group discussing how mental health treatments work, making the most of them, and finding what's right for you. You will learn to better navigate the system and take a more active role in your care.
I've been offering the trauma education and skills group to patients I follow for years. I'm now making it more widely available.
It's designed for patients who are well enough to benefit from group learning, are ready, willing, and able to make changes in their own lives. People who are looking for help finding their next steps.
Trauma Education and Skills Group
Session One
Introduction and Root Causes
- Diagnoses, symptoms, and impacts
- Neuroanatomy and neurophysiology
- Psychosocial treatment roadmap
- Trauma and memory
Session Two
Distress Tolerance Skills / Fake It 'Til You Make It
- Treatment course, "no silver bullet"
- Neuroplasticity
- Fight, flight, freeze, fawn
- TIPP and ACCEPTS DBT skills
- Crisis planning
Session Three
Boundaries and Communication
- Benefits and types of boundaries
- Boundary violations
- Assertive communication
- DEAR MAN DBT skills
Session Four
Shame and Self-Blame
- Guilt vs. shame vs. toxic shame
- Reactions to shame
- Overview of coping mechanisms
Session Five
- Implicit memory, somatic therapy
- Mindfulness foundations
- 21 ways to reduce stress
- Mindfulness practices and resources
Session Six
- 7 pillars of self-care
- Why self-care isn't selfish
- Hard truths about self-care
- Self-care examples
Session Seven
- 3 components of self-compassion
- Benefits, challenges, and objections
- Being our inner critic
- Self-compassion practices and resources
Session Eight
- Fear of abandonment, rejection
- Fear of humiliation, betrayal
- Emotional dysregulation and conflict
- Intimacy and trust after trauma
Session Nine
Attachment Styles
- Attachment theory and various styles
- Attachment styles during conflict
- Tools to build secure attachment
Session Ten
Review and Next Steps
- Discussion of main take-home points
- Treatment road map
- Next steps and biological treatments
The trauma education and skills group is facilitated by Dr. Lysak.
Material adapted from DBT, Group Trauma Treatment in Early Recovery (Herman & Kallivayalil), and other sources.

Individual Consultation
Psychiatry Assessment, Treatment Recommendations, Post‑Group Followup Visit
The first part of the program is an individual, one-time psychiatric consultation with Dr. Lysak. You'll also discuss whether the trauma education and skills group is a good fit for your needs.
This is a general mental health assessment (including but not limited to trauma) to review your history and concerns. She will provide a diagnosis, and offer individualized treatment recommendations, including medications, therapy, physical health interventions, bibliotherapy, and more.
The consultation happens during a single 90-min visit, either in-person (preferable; office is in downtown Victoria) or via Zoom.
To make this visit as valuable as possible, she needs information from you ahead of time. You will complete a detailed intake/history form and several mental health self-report scales. These will be reviewed, along with previous medical records (with your consent) prior to seeing Dr. Lysak.
Following the consultation, a detailed report will be sent to the primary care provider who referred you with treatment recommendations they can implement.
If you attend the trauma group, you'll be offered an individual followup visit after the group is finished to discuss your experience and to provide further guidance around next steps in your treatment plan.
Dr. Lysak cannot provide individual treatment or ongoing care.
Mental Health 201
Take Control of Your Mental Health
(Optional) Get ready to tackle the challenges of our mental health system. Better understand, use, and advocate for more effective treatments. Learn to navigate the system and take a more active role in your care.
Covers myths, individual differences, treatment course, medications, side effects, psychotherapy, supplements, physical health, novel treatments (e.g., psychedelics, rTMS), providers, communication, distress tolerance, safety. Also available separately (does not require consultation, referral needed).
This is for you if:
- You know trauma holds you back, but you're not sure what to do about it, are stuck, or haven't been able to get the help you need.
- You're eager to better understand how trauma impacts you and learn tools to better manage it and improve your quality of life.
- You're willing to take on a more active role in your own care to enhance and complement what health professionals can provide.
This isn't for you if:
- You want someone else to "fix" you without any effort on your part.
- You're too easily overwhelmed, or not able to focus, learn, and participate in two-hour online sessions, or can't obtain, borrow, or use the technology to do so.
- You've got extremely specific ideas of what your care should look like and aren't open to hearing and considering other possibilities.
Ready to take the next step in your trauma journey?

What You Need to Know:
The costs of this program, including both the individual consultation and the group sessions, are covered by government health insurance (MSP).
For MSP to pay, you must be referred by a primary care provider (e.g., family doctor, nurse practitioner).
This provider can be your own doctor or NP. You can also be referred by any walk-in clinic, Urgent and Primary Care Clinic (UPCC), or online telehealth service (e.g., Telus Health).
Get referredEligibility
Open to residents of BC with MSP coverage that are significantly impacted by trauma or childhood emotional neglect (formal PTSD diagnosis not required).
Group Format
Offered as a live online course via Zoom. Approx. 10-15 participants per group. Total of ten sessions (and four more in MH201), one per week, each lasting two hours.
You will not need to share accounts of your traumas in group. Identity of participants and any information voluntarily disclosed is confidential.
Covered by MSP. Groups have a $100 deposit (due when you register for particular dates) that is refunded if you attend a minimum number of sessions.
FAQ: referral and consultation
Why do I need a referral?
Can people outside BC participate?
Why is there a deposit?
Can I do the group without the consultation?
Can I do the consultation but not the group?
What if I don't like groups?
What if I don't have a primary care provider?
What if I'm triggered and in crisis?
FAQ: trauma education and skills group
Is the trauma group available in-person?
Can I just listen and not talk?
Can I keep my camera off?
Can I just use my phone?
What days and times is it offered?
Do I need to attend all sessions?
Get Started Today
Just follow the three easy steps below to participate in the Tools for Trauma program.
① Step One
Download the referral form to give to a primary care provider to fill out.
Or share the link to this page:
② Step Two
Ask a primary care provider to refer you to this program. They need to fill out the form you downloaded and fax it to us.
We encourage them to send additional documentation (physical and mental health history, labs, etc.) as they would for any psychiatry referral.
③ Step Three
After we get the referral, we'll be in touch with you via email within two weeks.
We'll ask you to complete a detailed intake form and several mental health scales. We'll then book you for a 90min one-time psychiatric consultation with Dr. Lysak. After that, you'll be able to participate in the trauma group.
Email [email protected] if you don't hear from us within two weeks of the referral being sent.
Any Family Doctor or Nurse Practitioner can refer you.
This can be your own doctor or NP if you have one, but also any walk-in clinic, Urgent and Primary Care Centre (UPCC), or online telehealth service (e.g., Telus Health).